You need a Maths tutor

solving for clarity

to turn confusion into clear understanding

Call Alain @ 07480277711 to enquire about how I may help you achieve your goals.


I offer one-to-one private Maths tuition for students from Year 7 to Year 13 (A-Level) in the UK.

Tuition may be at my home, near Bromley town centre, or online (call for details).

I equally welcome students enrolled in secondary education and adults who wish to improve their Maths.

I am also happy to help parents who seek a challenge for their advanced or gifted child.


Why should you hire me?

  • I graduated from the French Ivy-league system (MSc), with an excellent track record in Maths.
  • I am an experienced software engineer who uses Maths and Science to solve real world problems – aviation, defence, air traffic control, banking, fintech, data scraping.
  • I use precise language and creative analogies to communicate and explain difficult concepts in the simplest possible fashion.
  • I am a past French National Mathematical Games Professional, and wish to share my passion for Maths in as fun a way as possible.
  • I am a safe pair of hands, past school governor and parent of two lovely daughters in secondary education, who value their dad as their Maths tutor.


What should you expect?

  • I will adapt to my student’s drive (you) and requirements to secure and expand your knowledge, and inspire you to learn more effectively.
  • I will:
    • trust you to help me help you,
    • expect many questions,
    • expect you to try your best,
    • expect mistakes,
    • probe your knowledge and understanding,
    • fill the gaps,
    • expect and foster curiosity,
    • push your boundaries and make you think,
    • help you find your own answers and various ways to check your work,
    • explain why.
  • I will suggest past exam boards test papers for homework. Completing this homework will help identify quickly what areas you need most help with and allow to focus our work on the areas that need to grow.


I am available to teach during the following periods:

  • Mondays 7.30am to 7.15pm
  • Tuesdays 7.30am to 7.15pm
  • Wednesdays 7.30am to 7.15pm
  • Fridays 7.30am to 4.30pm

Call Alain @ 07480277711 to agree dates and times.

How much?

£45 for a 25-minute session, £75 for a 55-minute session, payable in advance.

First session refunded if you are not satisfied.